Climate Change = Allergy Issues?

Are Things Getting Worse?
With all the buzz about global warming in the news today, it’s not a great leap to realize that as our climate and environment changes, so will we have to adapt to how those changes affect our daily lives.
Recently, the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America released a list of the worst U.S. cities for allergy sufferers today and as you can imagine, Dallas is ranked high on the list — coming in at number 23.
What else are they saying? That we can settle in for an early, severe and long allergy season this spring because of extreme weather patterns. Our trees and plants are adapting and adjusting to these new patterns and unfortunately for folks in our area, that means a prolonged season of suffering.
What do we recommend? The first thing we suggest our patients do is to diagnose what the root of the problem is. Is it a true allergy? If so, what is the source? Mountain cedar? Elm? Ash? Grass? Dust? Knowing WHAT the problem is makes it much easier (and faster) to determine a course of treatment.
Is it something else? A sinus infection? A common cold? We can help you quickly determine what is at the heart of your symptoms so that we can best find the medication, behavior or treatment (sometimes all three) that will get you back to feeling well again.
Call our office today to learn more about seasonal symptoms and how to keep yourself and your family on the path to wellness.