Do you have a frequently runny nose? Do you also have nasal stuffiness?
How about these symptoms?
- Post-nasal drip
- Sneezing
- Trouble sleeping due to nasal symptoms
You are experiencing what’s called Rhinitis, and when your symptoms occur frequently, it’s known as Chronic Rhinitis. Rhinitis symptoms are caused by inflammation of the mucous membranes in your nose, and the inflammation can be triggered by allergic and non-allergic sources.
Allergic Rhinitis is commonly known as hay fever and results from non-infectious agents such as plant pollens, molds, dust mites, and animal dander. When you have a sensitivity to these allergens, your immune system responds by releasing chemicals that dilate blood vessels in your nose causing swollen membranes, sneezing, and congestion. Additional symptoms can include itchy eyes, nose, or throat.

Non-Allergic Rhinitis, also called vasomotor rhinitis, doesn’t involve your immune system. The exact cause of non-allergic rhinitis is unknown, but the results are similar to allergic rhinitis: blood vessels in your nose expand filling your nasal membranes with blood and fluid. Triggers for non-allergic rhinitis can be irritants like strong odors, chemical fumes and pollution, changes in the weather (especially coldness), cigarette smoke, foods and beverages, certain medications, hormone changes, and underlying health problems.
But whatever triggers your Chronic Rhinitis, the result is the same - you get a runny nose and congestion!